Dr. William A. Radasky
Metatech Corporation was formed by William A. Radasky in Goleta (Santa Barbara County), California in April of 1984. He has served as President since the founding of the company. Dr. Radasky has played a central role in the development of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and related electromagnetic environment specifications applicable to defense electronic systems. A major current interest is the development of EM standards that are compatible with EMC requirements. Dr. Radasky is particularly well known to the EMP community in the United States and abroad for his continuing contributions to EMP/SREMP research, a field in which he has been active since 1968. Dr. Radasky is Chairman of the IEC Advisory Committee on EMC (ACEC) and is currently the Chairman of SC77C which deals with HEMP/HPEM standards for commercial systems. He has authored over 250 publications on EM subjects and holds the following academic degrees: B.S., Air Force Academy; M.S., University of New Mexico; and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara. He was elected an EMP Fellow in 1988, and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Christopher W. Jones
Mr. Jones is Chairman of the Board of Metatech and Manager of Albuquerque Operations. He manages and actively participates in technical work on a wide range of EM and radiation related topics. Mr. Jones has more than 30 years experience as a leader and major contributor to electromagnetic research efforts. His current work is primarily directed toward the development of hardening and test standards for systems. In addition, he performs analyses of the effects of high power microwave, HEMP and SREMP stresses on military and commercial systems. He is also a contributor to the development of an IEC standard for the testing of commercial equipment to withstand HEMP effects, developing requirements and methods that are compatible with other EM effects. Mr. Jones has published extensively in the EMP literature and has served as Guest Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. His academic degrees include: B.S., University of Missouri and M.S. in Physics, Iowa State University. Mr. Jones was elected to the position of EMP Fellow in 1990.
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